Thursday, February 25, 2010

My First Musing.

You know what I think is truly amazing? What inspires me to get up, out of bed, and continue on again today even when I don't feel like it...even when the kids are arguing before the sun has even come up...even when my husband (after 22 years of marriage) still can NOT find his own socks in the same drawer they've always been in...even with all of life's little ups and downs...God is still here with me. Even when I forget to (or just don't) call on Him in the morning as I begin my day, He is waiting for me. Standing beside me. 
I start my day, and I stumble. ALL DAY LONG I STUMBLE. For the life of me, I can't figure out why... until we sit down for dinner at night and we pause to pray before we eat and as I begin to pray I am almost always brought to tears by the mercy of a heavenly Father who has waited on ME to come to Him all day.Why did I wait so long? I could have experienced this moment early in the morning before my feet ever hit the floor. Jesus, Father, Creator of the universe...sees me, knows me, and LOVES me anyway. Over the past several years God has been showing me some things. I think He's been trying to show me these things for years but, I haven't been listening. 
He has my attention... and I hope to pass along what I'm hearing... I pray that if it is for you to read what I write...that God will also reveal Himself in a way you haven't grasped before now. I also pray you will see more clearly than you ever have. Check out the links I'm following. Sometimes God uses others to get our attention and then once He has it He can tell us what He really wants us to know.

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